Cut Costs with Dubrink’s CBAM Software
CBAM Consultants are valuable. Our CBAM Platform is able to double such value. In the world of CBAM compliance, importers and suppliers often rely on consultants to guide them through the process. While this advice can be valuable, it also comes with significant costs. Fortunately, Dubrink’s CBAM software offers an alternative solution that helps importers save costs without compromising the quality of the advice. Allow our platform to request, validate, organize, calculate and submit your CBAM Emissions. Just like a CBAM Consultant!

CBAM Consultants versus CBAM Platform
One of the critical challenges of CBAM compliance is the need for CBAM Consultant advice to navigate complex regulations. CBAM raises a lot of questions! However, this advice can be expensive and pose a significant financial burden for businesses. That’s where Dubrink’s CBAM software stands out. It offers importers and suppliers access to high-quality guidance and support without the high costs of CBAM consultants. What sets our software apart is its unique features, such as data validation, the option to connect with sub-suppliers to receive the relevant data on CBAM precursors, and the guided support by our software and CBAM Chatbot, which make it a cost-effective and efficient solution for CBAM compliance. Even the factories that have a hard time digesting the regulations on CBAM suddenly know what to dour step-by-step function to submit and prove when they use o the relevant emission data.
Efficiency and Cost Savings
Using our CBAM software instead of CBAM Consulting services allows importers to work more efficiently and save valuable time that would otherwise be spent coordinating and communicating with consultants. While expert advice can still be helpful in some cases, our software enables importers and suppliers to navigate the CBAM documentation process independently and effectively, saving costs in the long term. If an importer invites a supplier to fill in the data, the software helps the supplier understand what needs to be done and why. The supplier is automatically invited to provide calculations via a step-by-step wizard. In this way, the supplier can make educated decisions, filling in the correct data and supporting it with proof documents. The Importer, on the other hand, can see the progress. If the supplier does not fill in the data entirely or the data seems to be off, the importer receives a notification. Reminders and communication to the supplier and their sub-suppliers can be automated. The Dubrink CBAM Compliance Platform saves a lot of time and communication.
We have a cheaper way of CBAM consulting.
A lot of knowledge about CBAM is documented via the many websites the European Union offers on CBAM Reporting. We provide such documentation to our clients via our CBAM Chatbot which serves as your first in line CBAM Consultant. The CBAM Platform itself is your second CBAM Consultant and if you still have questions, you can always consult the inhouse CBAM Consultants of Dubrink. Many questions of our clients can be asked to the chatbot with excellent results. However, the best asset we can give you is our CBAM software. With Dubrink’s CBAM software, importers can optimize their CBAM compliance processes and strengthen their competitive position. Our software is designed with usability and accessibility, allowing importers to confidently and efficiently meet CBAM compliance requirements without relying on expensive consultants. Does that mean you don’t have to work with consultants? No, however we see that consultants who work with Dubrink provide a higher level of service as all the manual calculations are now done by Dubrink’s CBAM platform, where the consultant can focus on what’s most important: Consulting you.
CBAM Compliance Platform

Smart Compliance Reporting
“A unique, innovative data tool.”
Submit Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism reports effortlessly with just one click, as suppliers are guided through the process within the system, minimizing errors and simplifying the overall procedure. Invite suppliers and their sub-suppliers, aided by our platform, to submit their emissions, proof and calculations.

Mitigate Importer Risks
Dubrink’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism platform minimizes importer risks by enforcing transparency, supplier accountability, comprehensive auditing, and rigorous validation. These measures ensure accurate emission data, reducing the potential for penalties and compliance issues.

Intuitive Data Entry
Dubrink’s platform is designed to streamline workflow by automating data entry. It proactively fills in supplier information, saving you valuable time and minimizing errors. Say goodbye to tedious manual data input and hello to a smoother, more accurate process. Experience the future of compliance management with Dubrink!

AI CBAM Consultant
“Dubrink’s platform shields us from risks.”
Leverage Dubrink’s AI consultant for Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism inquiries. Our AI navigates complex legislation, providing swift and accurate answers, saving you time and consulting fees. Access Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism knowledge instantly. The perfect guide for importer, supplier and representative.

Audit Archive Platform
“our backbone during inspections”
Even after suppliers have moved on, our system preserves every detail for your historical records and audit readiness. With Dubrink’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism Compliance Software, you can access critical insights and information whenever you need them. Partner with Dubrink today and experience the confidence that comes from knowing your data is in safe hands for the long haul.

Easy Supplier Communication
“Using it is a breeze!”
Connect seamlessly with third-country suppliers using Dubrink’s compliance Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism software. Access our global supplier database for easy identification and integration of non-EU suppliers’ CBAM data. Our platform empowers suppliers to input relevant CBAM data directly, while providing automated reminders and status dashboards for import and supplier monitoring.

Why we take your suppliers by the hand?
Supplier mistakes can lead to serious consequences for importers, such as penalties from the European Commission. Suppliers must provide evidence and calculations, which our platform validates. If there are any issues, we notify the importer promptly to protect importers. Our proactive approach helps importers comply with regulations and avoid penalties, maintaining their business integrity and financial stability. Our software is made in such a way that we ask them the right questions so you get the correct emission data.
Gemakkelijk CBAM Rapporteren
Platform Ondersteuning
Wij bieden ondersteuning bij het gebruik van het platform zodat u probleemloos kunt rapporteren.
Gebruiks vriendeliijk
Dubrink biedt een gebruiksvriendelijke interface zodat u de juiste keuzes maakt.
CBAM Consultants
Dubrink biedt een uitgebreid netwerk van getalenteerde CBAM-specialisten om u te ondersteunen.
Rapporteer in minuten
Moeiteloze CBAM-rapporteren. In een paar minuten is uw CBAM-rapportage klaar.
Efficiënte automatisering van gegevensverzameling en rapportage om tijd en middelen te besparen.
Verminder uw risico's
Dubrink helpt u CBAM gerelateerde risico's te verlagen. Nu en in de toekomst tijdens controles.
Data Beveiliging
Dubrink hanteert hoge standaarden om uw gegevens te beschermen en een veilige werkomgeving te bieden.
Flexibel en Schaalbaar
Dubrink biedt een platform dat zich aanpast aan uw behoeften en schaalbaar is.
Betaal naar gebruik
Dubrink biedt een kostenefficiënte structuur. U betaalt naar gelang u het platform gebruikt. Wel zo eerlijk.